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Public Health Resources

General Public Health Resources


Southern Strafford Community Health Coalition (SSCHC)

The SSCHC encompasses the towns of Barrington, Dover, Durham, Lee, Madbury, Rollinsford, and Somersworth. It's goal is to identify and address priority public health concerns for the residents of Southern Strafford County. In 2007, the SSCHC conducted a flu vaccination exercise, in which McGregor participated, intended to better prepare the county for a pandemic. The SSCHC website provides links to other public health resources.



Center for Disease Control (CDC)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting public health activities in the United States.



NH Public Health Network

The New Hampshire Public Health Network (NHPHN) works to assure coordinated and comprehensive delivery of essential public health services and serves as a local liaison with state agencies involved in the public's health and safety.





Social Service Resources


Victims, Inc.

Victims, Inc. is a private, non-profit agency which provides immediate service, with trained volunteers, prepared to be with people during the worst moments of their lives; volunteers who stay until the family's own support system is in place. The mission of VICTIMS, INC. is to complete the circle of services for victims, from onset of trauma through healing. All services are free.



A Safe Place

A Safe Place was founded in 1976 to prevent and eliminate domestic violence. We are a non-profit organization that provides free shelter and support services for those who need them.



Sexual Assualt Support Services

Sexual Assualt Support Services is dedicated to supporting victims/survivors in their effort to heal from the trauma of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, and stalking, while striving to prevent the occurrence of sexual violence in local communities and in society at large.



The Sexual Harassment And Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)

The Sexual Harassment And Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP) is a unique program that serves the University of New Hampshire community. SHARPP has two main branches - Direct Services and Outreach. Through Direct Services, advocates work with primary and secondary survivors of sexual violence and relationship abuse in order to empower individuals to make the best decisions for themselves. Outreach provides education as a form of prevention through programs that elicit awareness, examination and change of cultural values that condone or encourage sexual violence.



Seacoast Outright

Seacoast Outright is an educational, social service, advocacy organization that offers services to gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and questioning youth (21 and under) in the greater New Hampshire, southern Maine, and northern Massachusetts Seacoast region. Seacoast Outright's mission is to help gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and questioning youth develop into healthy, caring, productive citizens.


Copyright 2020  •  McGregor Memorial EMS  •  47 College Road  •  Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-862-3674  •  Fax: 603-862-4415  •  E-mail:

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