McGregor Board of Directors
Like other New Hampshire nonprofit organizations, McGregor is served by a volunteer Board of Directors. While some began their time with McGregor as medical volunteers, others were recruited because of their connections with the local communities or because of other critical skill sets.
The members of McGregor elect the Board of Directors which is, in turn, responsible for all aspects of the organization including overseeing its Executive Director.

Travis Fleury has been a McGregor volunteer since 2001. Since then, he has served at least 19 terms on the Board of Directors (and former Executive Committee) and is a licensed Advanced-EMT and McGregor Captain. A past recipient of McGregor's Rookie of the Year, Member of the Year, multiple Outstanding Service awards, and the Patrick D. Ahearn Lifetime Achievement award, Travis has a longstanding dedication to McGregor and its communities. He is a UNH Graduate ('05) with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the Whittemore School of Business & Economics, and he lives and works full-time in Dover, NH as a Sales Manager for Envoy Mortgage.

Donald Bliss returned to McGregor as a board member in 2019 after retiring as vice president for field operations at the National Fire Protection Association. Mr. Bliss has also served as a subject matter expert on critical infrastructure protection at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and was an adjunct professor in the graduate public administration program at the University of New Hampshire. He was the NH State Fire Marshal and served as Homeland Security advisor to Governors Shaheen and Benson. He has also previously served as a Durham Firefighter, McGregor volunteer, and fire chief of Salem, NH. Mr. Bliss also currently serves on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Advisory Council.

Joshua Keller has been a McGregor member since 2015. In addition to his work on the Board of Directors, he serves as one of McGregor's EMTs. Joshua received his bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and Management, as well as his MBA in Business Intelligence, at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. Currently, he works in finance for a solar tracker company.

Ruth Moore is a Durham resident who worked for many years as a Culinary Supervisor for Ciao Italia, a successful and long-standing PBS cooking show. She has been in the role of Secretary as a Durham Trustee of Trust Funds and a Durham Public Library Trustee (3 years in each role). Ruth has several management certificates, and her educational and career background includes Northeastern University, Babson College, and Wang Labs. She enjoys "wordsmithing and makes every effort to record discussions and decisions so that all readers understand what transpired and everyone knows what is expected of them and when.

Alexis Sargent
Membership Liaison
Alexis Sargent has been a McGregor member since 2021 and currently serves as an AEMT/ Crew Chief and oversees the Volunteerism Committee. Alexis received her bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science from the University of New Hampshire and works full-time as an AEMT with Portsmouth Regional Hospital.

Pat is a current McGregor Captain and Paramedic. He joined McGregor back in 1975. He has served on the Executive Committee (now the BOD) in multiple roles including President, Operations VP, Administrative VP, Treasurer, and Training Coordinator for over 30 years. He also serves on the Facilities, Strategic Planning, and Community Relations committees. He is the McGregor Memorial EMS narcotics officer. He is semi-retired after nearly 23 years with the City of Dover Fire and Rescue. He currently works as a Call Lieutenant with Ossipee Corner Fire Dept. He is a graduate of UNH and NHTI ('78 BS Geology).

Matt Willett joined McGregor in 2014. In addition to his work on the Board of Directors, he serves as one of McGregors Advanced EMTs. Matt's interest in EMS started in college when he was a volunteer for the RPI Ambulance. Matt's received his bachelor's degree in aeronautical and mechanical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic University in Troy, NY and his MBA from the University of New Hampshire. Currently, he works in supply chain management for an aerospace manufacturer.